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Quoter Product Update: September 2024

September 27, 2024

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For the first time in Quoter Product Update history, we’re sharing our work in progress in addition to items we’ve deployed this month. A few items are so close to being over the line that I can’t wait to share!

We’ve also made progress on our major Quoter Editor enhancements project and a number of small improvements, which Partners can learn about in our Release Notes.

You could say it’s been a busy month for our development squads, and I’d like to give a special shout-out to three of our senior developers — Gustavo, Diego, and Edgar — who expertly pivoted to a significant project for both Quoter and ScalePad: our ScalePad Hub integration. More on this below!

Quoter Editor Enhancements for Nuanced Pricing Display

No two quoting processes are the same, which is why we’re obsessed with refining the Quote Editor to deliver on the unique nuances each of our Partners brings to their experience with Quoter.

This month, as part of our larger Quote Editor enhancement project, we’ve released the ability to have bundles within single-select item groups.

A Bundle in Quoter is a group of line items rolled up into one fixed-quantity package. Bundles are great for including multi-service or multi-product offerings on a quote without exposing every line item to the end customer. They allow for a simplified quote layout that gives Partners more control over the sales experience.

With this enhanced functionality, Partners can now require their customers or prospects to select between groups of bundled line items.

So, for example, a quote can now show two different server solution options — each representing several line items — for the end user to select from.

We also deployed a new drag-and-drop feature, which many Partners have probably already experienced and seen by now. This feature delivers a smoother user interface experience for moving line items,  Bundles, sections, and all the various goodies in the Quote Editor.  

This work is all to create a frictionless quoting experience, right down to the interface. Looking ahead to the last quarter of 2024, we’re planning to refresh the entire Quote Editor interface and maximize the use of visual real estate on the screen for creating and revising quotes. Many more changes are coming to the Quote Editor, so stay tuned.

Oh, and one last one! We’ve also added the ability to drag line items into Bundles. Nice!

Coming (Very) Soon: Profitability Reporting, Leaderboard Updates

Amidst our effort to make our real-time reporting dashboard more powerful and “glanceable” with automatic filtering that shows Partners their most relevant data, we’ve got two new updates set to be released soon (the first one possibly even released by the time you read this post!)

First up: salesperson Leaderboard updates. We’re enhancing the interface so that instead of just displaying the top 10 salespeople, the entire sales team is visible at a glance.

We’ve also changed the date range filter to use the Quote Won Date instead of the created date so that you’re seeing the most relevant data for your business.

Next: line item profitability reporting. We’re making it easy to know which products have the highest and lowest profitability to help you flag products to focus on selling or discontinuing. This update is designed to intelligently parse through the semantics of line items, built with Partners in mind that may have items quoted 10 different ways on 10 different quotes despite being the same piece of hardware or the same service.

Learn More About Quoter’s Real-time Reporting Features [Help Desk Article]

Get Excited: Quoter + ScalePad Hub Is In Progress

For our Partners who use other ScalePad products, such as Lifecycle Manager or Backup Radar, centralized management is headed your way: Quoter’s integration with the ScalePad Hub is set to launch in the last quarter of 2024.

ScalePad Hub will provide unified account management, user management, and billing across all six ScalePad products. Integrating Quoter will streamline workflows and processes so that all ScalePad subscriptions can be managed and modified under one roof.

It’s a very exciting project, and with Gustavo, Diego, and Edgar diving into the details, along with the Quoter and ScalePad support teams, we can’t wait to hear about its positive impact on our Partners.

ScalePad acquires Quoter

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