Boxes R Us, a prominent provider of gift and promotional packaging solutions for small businesses, has recently demonstrated an outstanding leap in efficiency and operational excellence through the adoption of inventory management software solution Fishbowl Inventory.
Their exceptional transformation from completely manual processes to automation, made possible by the innovative capabilities of Fishbowl, serves as a beacon of inspiration for emerging businesses within the manufacturing sector.
According to industry experts, the absence of a robust inventory management system can pose serious challenges for developing businesses, leading to financial losses and operational setbacks. Amidst a multitude of outdated practices handed down from the previous owner of Boxes R Us, one particularly antiquated process involved the manual recording of stocktakes on a whiteboard within the factory.
When husband and wife team, Kirsty & Scott Buckley took the reins of Boxes R Us, they quickly recognized the imperative to modernize their inventory processes. Acknowledging the critical need for streamlined operations and heightened accuracy, the entrepreneurial duo decisively shifted away from outdated, manual methods to embrace the innovative capabilities offered by Fishbowl Inventory.
Mr. Buckley emphasized the simplicity of their choice, stating,
“We undertook a comprehensive search, but implementing Fishbowl was an easy choice for us. The software did all of the things we needed it to do, and the service was exceptional right from the very beginning.”
Mrs. Buckley echoed the sentiment, noting, “Fishbowl has undoubtedly made our daily life incredibly easier. A thousand fold. From the day that we launched with Fishbowl, our life has been easier. Even with the little mix ups and learning the program and all that stuff, that was all easier than the way we ran prior to it.”
According to Simon Jupe, Fishbowl APAC Managing Director, “Fishbowl enables you to monitor inventory levels in real time, manage inventory in multiple warehouses and drive operational efficiency by training team members in best practice inventory management. For most businesses, inventory is the largest asset they carry. All of these software features combine to help businesses carry the most efficient stock levels, ensure they are managing cashflow and meeting customer expectations of providing “In Full, On Time order fulfillment.”
“By using Fishbowl, it has saved us a lot of downtime and has basically paid for itself in the first 12 months, as with keeping everything streamlined and making things a whole lot more efficient,” Mr. Buckley emphasized, highlighting the tangible benefits reaped from their successful integration with Fishbowl.
The transformative journey continued as Mr. Buckley highlighted, “We started using Fishbowl and doing complete stock takes and entering everything into the system and actually then started seeing how much stock we had sitting on the shelf. We had like $100,000 worth that wasn’t even moving. Now with Fishbowl we avoid these costly kind of mistakes!”
Fishbowl’s seamless integration with accounting solutions like Xero and QuickBooks provided Boxes R Us with a comprehensive view of their inventory levels, purchase orders, and sales activities. This enhanced visibility empowered the business to make informed decisions, optimize cash flow, and drive sustainable growth.
“Fishbowl integrates with accounting solutions, like Xero and QuickBooks, as well as other core business platforms, which allow you to get a 360-degree view of how your inventory levels, purchase orders, and sales activities impact your cashflow. When inventory is ordered, received, sold, and shipped, Fishbowl automatically updates the relevant portions of your tech stack, which gives you a real-time view of quantities enroute, on hand, in production, and more. This level of visibility is a real game changer for businesses that may have previously done everything manually,” affirmed Mr. Jupe.
Inventory Management software can assist significantly with inventory prediction accuracy. By examining trends from high-performing products, inventory management systems can assist businesses with enhancing demand predictions. In addition, inventory management software reduces storing and handling expenses, increases sales, and can improve cash flow. Records from the past and peak seasons may also be used to determine significant sales trends that need stock modifications throughout the year.
Mrs. Buckley shared the impact on her daily routine, stating, “Before Fishbowl, I had to constantly leave my desk, keep someone on hold on the phone, and physically go to the factory to check our stock levels. Now I can access all the information I need with the click of a button. It obviously saves me a huge amount of time and effort.”
She added, “Previously, I would find myself rushing from my desk to the factory floor probably 50-60 times a day just to check stock. With Fishbowl in place, I’m able to tell my customers on the phone right there and then if we have the stock. It’s saved us approximately $60,000 in just inventory alone.”
The resounding success of Boxes R Us’s transformative journey stands as a testament to the paramount significance of leveraging advanced inventory management solutions. By embracing the power of technology, Boxes R Us has achieved operational efficiencies which have enabled them to reaffirm their commitment to delivering unparalleled customer service and tailored solutions for small and medium businesses. Their remarkable achievement underscores the pivotal role of innovation in driving sustainable growth and operational excellence.