With 20 years consulting experience in the finance industry we’ve seen our fair share of friction. It’s been our mission to remove those friction points and lift performance, wherever we’ve been positioned. When we set up our own business, we needed answers to our questions instantly.
One of our biggest pain points was not having the time we needed to analyse business financials and effectively monitor cashflow, speed up receivables and grow our customer base. We were constantly to-ing and fro-ing via email to our bookkeeper and accountant.
So that’s why we created Zivora.co – a space to quickly analyse our own businesses growth opportunities and collaborate with our bookkeeper and accountant.
What is Zivora?
Zivora is a fun and seamless experience that gives a business its P&L, cashflow and key revenue driver story, and allows for multiple scenario planning (with instant key metric impact visuals). It also provides a collaborative forum where accountants and bookkeepers can provide strategic insights and advice to their clients, all without having to leave the visuals themselves.
How does it work?
Sign up with a few easy steps, add a Xero account, sync the data and within minutes see your full financial picture. Easily invite others as commenters or editors, with just a couple of clicks. The chat function is actually pinned to the parts of the visuals you comment on, so your collaborators easily know what item you are discussing. No more exporting, emailing and chasing with phone calls. With Zivora you can bring the discussion to the numbers.
In addition to viewing your income and expense stories, cashflow monitoring, and receivables and payable insights, Zivora actually makes budgeting fun, with seamless import of last year’s actuals upon which to base multiple scenarios. This lets you instantly see how those scenarios would impact your cashflow and key business metrics. With clear and accurate projections, it’s easy to set goals and move your business towards them. There’s no longer any excuse to avoid planning and tracking when it’s this simple.
Multiple Organisations
Zivora has different plans catering for the needs of business, as well as packages for accountants or bookkeepers to invite their clients. It’s easy to add multiple Xero organisations, then switch between them within the Zivora console.
Zivora is currently available in Australia and offers a 14 day free trial. Zivora’s NZ and UK release is scheduled for November 2019.