Wolters Kluwer

Accountant tools
United Kingdom

Submit invoices, receipts and expense claims effortlessly with Basecone. Forget lost invoices, receipts and complicated Excel spreadsheets for doing your expenses - submit them anywhere, anytime. Take a picture of your invoice or receipt from any angle, and Basecone’s smart technology will ensure your photo is enhanced and corrected for review. Pre-selected authorisers can review, approve and reject documents on the go.

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Submit claims easily and quickly with our Basecone app

Smart processing, scanning and matching, approving and booking of documents. Scan it, get it recognised, approve it and book it with the easiest automated workflow around.

Key features and capabilities:

In the cloud, always available

Available at any time and on any device via the internet and mobile apps. Submit documents, invoices and authorise and submit declarations no matter where you are. 

Efficient and controlled workflow 

Maintain full control over the document flow and invoices with Basecone workflow. Manage invoices and avoid making payments without approval. Online archive Documents can be securely stored in Basecone for 10 years. Meet tax requirements without storing a single piece of paper. 

Extensive integration and partnerships 

Basecone is integrated with leading online accounting software providers including Xero, Twinfield, Exact and more. 

Processing in real-time 

Documents are processed in real-time in your accounting package. In addition, stored booking rules ensure that the booking proposal is as complete as possible. 

Easy authorisation 

View your assigned documents quickly and easily with the Basecone Flux App. Approve or reject them anywhere and anytime you want.

Online archive

Documents can be securely stored in Basecone for 10 years. Meet tax requirements without storing a single piece of paper.

Easy authorisation 

View your assigned documents quickly and easily with the Basecone Flux App. Approve or reject them anywhere and anytime you want.

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On-demand Webinar: Why Basecone is the best for digital document automation

On-demand Webinar: Automated, real-time data entry with Basecone and Xero

Automated, real-time data entry with Basecone

On-demand Webinar: Streamline your pre-accounting processes with Basecone

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